Three-microphone two-cavity method for measuring sound transmission loss in a modified impedance tube
Mots-clés :
Acoustic impedance, Loudspeakers, Microphones, A-plane, Acoustic materials, Finite length, Impedance tubes, Normal incidence, Sound insulation property, Sound transmission loss, Step discontinuity, Test samples, Two microphones, Two-cavityRésumé
The normal incidence sound transmission loss (nSTL) is an important indicator to assess the sound insulation property of acoustic materials. The apparatus consists of a finite length rigid walled impedance tube with circularly shaped and uniform inner cross-section. The tube features a loudspeaker at one end and a movable piston at the other end. The loudspeaker is used to generate a plane wave field in the impedance tube. There are two microphones flush mounted upstream the test sample and one microphone flush mounted on the rigid end. Next, a 20-mm thick step discontinuity seeing as a non-symmetrical sample is tested and compared to the standard 4M2L method and 3M-TMTC method. One can note that similar results are obtained between the 3M2L and 4M2L methods, however 4M2L is noisier compared to 3M2L.Fichiers supplémentaires
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