A low cost wireless acquisition system for multi-channel vibration measurement
Mots-clés :
Accelerometers, Electrochemical cells, FIR filters, Frequency response, Vibration measurement, Ac coupling, Acquisition systems, Digital FIR filters, Electrical power, LabViEW, Li-ion batteries, Low costs, Low-frequency response, Measurement modes, Multi-channel, National Instruments, Underground mine, Whole-body vibrationsRésumé
A low cost wireless acquisition system for multi-channel vibration measurement is presented. An acquisition system based on National instrument NI-9234 boards and LabVIEW™ has been developed and successfully tested in underground mines for human vibration assessment. The acquisition system was built using two National Instrument NI-9234 USB boards, giving a total of 8 channels, an external LI-ION battery, one minicomputer with solid-state hard disk for added robustness, and a small waterproof Pelican case. The IEPE mode of the NI-9234 boards was used to supply electrical power to the accelerometers, requiring the use of AC coupling. Since the NE-9234 board has, in AC coupling, a roll-off of 3 dB at 0.5 Hz, a digital FIR filter was added to correct the low frequency response in whole-body vibration (WBV) measurement mode, in order to satisfy the newer standard ISO 8041 (2005).Fichiers supplémentaires
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