Analysis of human tone-burst-evoked otoacoustic emissions


  • Reinhart Frosch Sommerhaldenstrasse 5B, CH-5200 Bragg, Switzerland

Mots-clés :

Acoustic emissions, Forecasting, Resonators, Basilar membranes, Mechanical energies, Resonance region, Satellite peaks, Tone bursts


Human click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (OAE) were analyzed to agree with cochlear-map-based predictions. Four human cochlear maps, the passive-peak (PP) map, the (low-level) active-peak (AP) map, the basilar-membrane resonator (BMR) map, and the internal organ-of-Corti resonator (IOCR) map, are studied. The satellite peaks of an 80-dB tone burst have sound-pressure levels (SPLs) of 49dB, 39dB, and are therefore strongly amplified by the OHCs in their IOCR resonance regions. A part of the mechanical energy generated by these OHCs is transported back to the cochlear base by a reverse TW and thus causes OAEs. The large-delay beats in the 2- and 4-kHz parts are consistent with being due to the superposition of two SOAEs. The tone-burst-evoked OAEs, in spite of differing appreciably from the click-evoked OAEs of Frosch, are found to be compatible with predictions based on the human cochlear maps.

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Comment citer

Frosch R. Analysis of human tone-burst-evoked otoacoustic emissions. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 sept. 2012 [cité 2 oct. 2024];40(3):116-7. Disponible à:



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