Did you say "bionic" ear?


  • Jérémie Voix <p>École de technologie supérieure</p><p>Université du Québec</p>


Over the past decades, Hearing Protection Devices have existed simply as passive acoustical barriers intended to prevent sound from reaching the ear canal. Over the last decade though, with the increasing miniaturization of electronic components and consolidation of consumer electronic goods, new electronic Hearing Protection Devices have been brought on the marketplace to protect from noise induced hearing loss in more sophisticated ways. Likewise, Hearing Aids have benefited from this sophistication and entirely new communication devices have been developed, such as the wireless cellphone earpiece. The convergence of hearing protection devices, hearing aids and communication earpieces appears to be the next step and is sometimes referred to as a "bionic" ear. This presentation will detail a possible roadmap leading to the development of this bionic technology. It will also present several other intra-aural applications ranging from in-ear energy harvesting, to hearing-health monitoring and brain-wave recording, all of which could truly make your next earpiece a "bionic" ear.

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Comment citer

Voix J. Did you say "bionic" ear?. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 8 août 2014 [cité 1 oct. 2024];42(3). Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/2702



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