Rumble Strip Noise


  • Frank Babic Amec Foster Wheeler
  • Alfredo Rodrigues Amec Foster Wheeler


This presentation provides an overview of rumble strip design characteristics, such as depth of strips and spacing between strips, for both interior and exterior noise levels for automobiles.  Overall noise levels (dBA), frequency spectra and tonal characteristics with respect to rumble strip design are discussed.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Frank Babic, Amec Foster Wheeler

Frank Babic is a Senior Associate Engineer within Amec Foster Wheeler.  Mr. Babic has almost 20 years in acoustics, noise and vibration, and leads the Amec Foster Wheeler Acoustics Practice.  His expertise includes environmental noise, transportation noise, building acoustics and vibration.

Alfredo Rodrigues, Amec Foster Wheeler

Alfredo Rodrigues is a Senior Specialist with Amec Foster Wheeler.  Mr. Rodrigues has more than 13 years of experience in acoustics, noise and vibration.  His expertise includes technical leadership in vibration projects - including rail vibration and building isolation, as well as environmental noise, transportation noise and building acoustics.

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Comment citer

Babic F, Rodrigues A. Rumble Strip Noise. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 19 août 2015 [cité 1 oct. 2024];43(3). Disponible à:



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