Intelligibility, response time and listening efficiency of native and non-native listeners in various acoustical conditions


  • Alice V Lam University of British Columbia
  • Murray Hodgson University of British Columbia


In educational settings, ensuring good speech intelligibility is essential to creating comfortable environments in which students can listen and learn to the best of their ability. This work evaluates the speech perception of native and non-native listeners of English in acoustical conditions that contain varying amounts of reverberation and background noise. Listening tests were conducted in auralized acoustical environments with native and non-native English-speaking university students. Three different metrics were used and compared: the intelligibility score, response time and listening efficiency. It was found that non-native listeners were more sensitive to non-ideal acoustical conditions, and that listening efficiency was the most effective evaluation metric, with response time a close second.

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Comment citer

Lam AV, Hodgson M. Intelligibility, response time and listening efficiency of native and non-native listeners in various acoustical conditions. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 24 août 2016 [cité 6 oct. 2024];44(3). Disponible à:



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