Acoustical Investigation of Laneway House Facades
A laneway house (LWH), permitted under Vancouver B.C.’s high-density urban growth policy, is a free-standing, small wood-frame house typically less than 1.5 stories high and averaging approximately 650sf in floor area. LWH may require special attention for acoustical design due to its small architectural form and siting within the urban noise environment. Façades from six laneway houses in Vancouver were examined for sound insulation performance and compliance with CMHC residential criteria. The methods of investigation included ASTM field measurements, the CMHC/NRC road traffic noise algorithms for housing, and AFMG Soundflow with laboratory data. Sound transmission loss metrics, quantified from the various methods, were compared and discussed. Depending on the method applied, less than half of the case studies investigated met noise criteria for residential health. Design and construction factors contributing to low sound isolation of the LWH façades were explored and discussed. This study emphasized the need for acoustical design tools, specifications and guidelines for LWH, and for acoustical awareness in the design of compact dwellings in high density urban contexts.
Keywords: small building, laneway housing, transmission loss, sound isolation, sound insulation, façade, wall assembly, building envelop, windows, glazed doors, CMHC, road traffic noise, wood frame, residential noise criteria
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