Comparison of the Acoustic Design Requirements of the LEED, WELL and Green Globes Building Rating Systems
In 2005, the UC Berkeley Center for the Built Environment (CBE) published results from 34,000 building occupant satisfaction surveys collected by the center. Their study found that the area of greatest occupant dissatisfaction with LEED and other green buildings was acoustics, and that the degree of dissatisfaction with acoustics was greater for these buildings than in conventional buildings. Since its release, the CBE study, and others like it, have helped to drive the incorporation of acoustic requirements into North American green building rating systems for a variety of building types.
This paper will provide an overview of the acoustic prerequisites and optional performance targets of the latest versions of the LEED, WELL, and Green Globes green building rating systems. It will compare the acoustic performance requirements of these rating systems, and provide comment on key design considerations for achieving these requirements.
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