The Contextual Effects of Nasal Vowels on Velopharyngeal Opening in Quebecois French


  • Charissa Purnomo The University of British Columbia
  • Linda Wu University of British Columbia
  • Jahurul Islam University of British Columbia
  • Gillian de Boer University of British Columbia
  • Bryan Gick University of British Columbia


The extent of velopharyngeal opening (VPO) corresponds with the degree of nasalization in a given speech segment. Previous studies of French found that in contextual nasalization, carryover nasalization leads to greater VPO than anticipatory nasalization but this is based on only a few speakers and/or less direct measures of VPO. We compared the VPO of oral vowels preceding (anticipatory) or following (carryover) a phonemically nasal vowel. Using an X-ray videofluorographic database, we analyzed the sentence-level speech of 9 (5 male, 4 female) native Quebecois French speakers. We used imaging software to measure the ratio of VPO from a sagittal view of the vocal tract (0 = maximally closed; 1 = maximally open). The average VPO for anticipatory nasalization (M = 0.28, SD 0.15) was greater than that of carryover nasalization (M = 0.22, SD 0.10). A likelihood ratio test (lmerTest and ANOVA) determined that contextual nasalization has a significant effect on the VPO of the phone (p-value < 0.001) with no effect of sex or speaker.  Our findings expand on previous observations regarding gradations of nasalization, rather than binary nasalization.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Charissa Purnomo, The University of British Columbia

Department of Linguistics

Linda Wu, University of British Columbia

Department of Linguistics

Jahurul Islam, University of British Columbia

Department of Linguistics

Gillian de Boer, University of British Columbia

Department of Linguistics

Bryan Gick, University of British Columbia

Department of Linguistics

Fichiers supplémentaires



Comment citer

Purnomo C, Wu L, Islam J, de Boer G, Gick B. The Contextual Effects of Nasal Vowels on Velopharyngeal Opening in Quebecois French. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 17 août 2021 [cité 2 oct. 2024];49(3):46-7. Disponible à:



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