Assessment of Acoustic Properties of Mycelium-Based Composites Materials


  • Alexis Boisvert Université de Sherbrooke, CA
  • Saïd Elkoun Université de Sherbrooke,
  • Olivier Robin Université de Sherbrooke, CA
  • Félix-Antoine Bérubé-Simard Biopterre, CA


Mycelium-based composites are self-grown materials, based on agricultural residue fibers that are inoculated with fungi mycelium. The mycelium forms an interwoven 3-dimensional filamentous network, binding every fiber particle together to create a rigid, lightweight composite material without utilizing energy input or producing extra waste. Today, the increasing concern for the environmental impact of plastic or petroleum-based materials has led to a growing interest in biomaterials. Mycelium-based composites could replace current products in the packaging industry, as well as in construction (e.g., materials for thermal and acoustic insulation). Many physical properties can be tuned by controlling the fungal species, the growth conditions and the post-growth processes. In order to evaluate the sound absorption properties of mycelium-based composites made from residual hemp fiber and Ganoderma lucidum fungi, sound absorption tests were conducted in a small reverberant chamber and in an impedance tube. The results obtained are comparable to those obtained with conventional ceiling tiles on the 250 - 5000 Hz spectrum frequency band. The findings emphasize the importance of exploring bio-based materials for environmentally friendly solutions, contributing to the growing body of knowledge in sustainable acoustic engineering.

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Comment citer

Boisvert A, Elkoun S, Robin O, Bérubé-Simard F-A. Assessment of Acoustic Properties of Mycelium-Based Composites Materials. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 9 oct. 2023 [cité 2 oct. 2024];51(3):124-5. Disponible à:



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