The accuracy of highway traffic noise predictions


  • J.J. Hajek Ontario Min. of Transportation & Communications, R&D Branch, Downsview, Ont., Canada
  • R. Krawczyniuk Ontario Min. of Transportation & Communications, R&D Branch, Downsview, Ont., Canada

Mots-clés :

acoustic noise, road traffic, highway traffic noise predictions, free-field prediction accuracies, FHWA, CMHC, RDG, ONTARIO, standard deviation, sound levels, North American models, ground conditions, atmospheric influences, tire-pavement interaction, sound emission levels, vehicle types


The free-field prediction accuracies of four highway traffic noise prediction models (FHWA, CMHC, RDG, and ONTARIO) were compared over a wide range of the basic variables of traffic noise prediction. The average error, in terms of standard deviation of difference between the predicted and measured sound levels, was found to be about 2 dBA. A review of the free-field prediction accuracies of major North American models developed since 1971 revealed similar results. In order to improve prediction accuracy, effects such as ground conditions and atmospheric influences on the propagation of traffic sound must be better understood and incorporated into prediction models. Also, noise generated due to tire-pavement interaction and sound emission levels of various vehicle types must be better characterized in existing prediction procedures

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Hajek J, Krawczyniuk R. The accuracy of highway traffic noise predictions. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 1 avr. 1984 [cité 21 févr. 2025];12(2):28-3. Disponible à:



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