Effect on hearing of exposure to noise during education
acoustic noise, biological effects of acoustic radiation, hearing, noise, education, vocational courses, thresholds, 4 kHzAbstract
Students enrolled in vocational courses are suspected of having poorer hearing acuity than other students in regular (non vocational) courses due to noise exposure during training. This study compares hearing thresholds of 327 students in vocational courses to those of 370 students of regular courses. The mean of the thresholds in the two ears is used for analysis of variance. This analysis is used to determine which variables explain the variation of thresholds at 4 kHz. Factors analysed were: health history, exposure to noise during leisure activities or work, experience with fire arms and career orientation at school. Variables describing this last item are: total noise dose, pattern of exposure, type of workshop and training group. Considering all variables influencing hearing acuity, the only one that shows statistical significance is the group training. At 4 kHz, students of vocational courses show thresholds 1 dB higher than those of students of regular courses. Thus, in spite of their age, students of vocational courses already have slightly poorer hearing which appears related to their school trainingAdditional Files
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