The Evolution of Environmental Ground Borne Vibration Measurement, Assessment and Reporting Over the Last 50 Years


  • Kathryn Katsiroumpas Valcoustics Canada Ltd.
  • Ian Matthew Valcoustics Canada Ltd.


Urbanization has increased the proximity of residential development to sources of environmental ground borne vibration, including at and below grade rail, construction activities and heavy industrial processes. Measurement, assessment and reporting on ground borne vibration induced by these sources have always been an integral component of acoustical consulting practice. This retrospective highlights the evolution of measurement equipment and reporting techniques over the last 50 years. The influence of changes to regulatory guidelines over that time is also addressed. Specific projects through the years are presented as case studies for illustration. Current measurement and reporting limitations are examined to anticipate where improvements in technology may be made to environmental ground borne vibration assessment in the future.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Kathryn Katsiroumpas, Valcoustics Canada Ltd.

Senior Acoustical Engineer

Ian Matthew, Valcoustics Canada Ltd.

Senior Acoustical Engineer

Fichiers supplémentaires



Comment citer

Katsiroumpas K, Matthew I. The Evolution of Environmental Ground Borne Vibration Measurement, Assessment and Reporting Over the Last 50 Years. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 24 août 2016 [cité 14 oct. 2024];44(3). Disponible à:



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