Hearing protector fit-testing: spectrum uncertainty budgets


  • Jeremie Voix ÉTS


Hearing protection devices (HPD) are widely used to protect workers exposed to dangerous levels of noise. Their effective attenuation can nowadays be routinely assessed using Field Attenuation Estimation Systems (FAES), colloquially referred to as fit-test systems. FAES typically rely on the Personal Attenuation Rating (PARx%), a single number factoring in the attenuation obtained at the seven octave band frequencies from 125 to 8000 Hz, and accounting for the spectrum uncertainty component resulting from the different attenuation profiles of HPDs across these frequencies. In the current study, this spectrum uncertainty has been computed, for many types of HPDs, from various published laboratory datasets, including the NIOSH Hearing Protector Device Compendium. The study includes a detailed spectrum uncertainty budget for the various categories of earplugs (roll-down foam, premolded, formable, push-to-fit, custom molded, etc.), semi-inserts and earmuffs. These values have been expressed at the 95th percentile for a direct use in the upcoming ANSI S12.71 standard on FAES.

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Comment citer

Voix J. Hearing protector fit-testing: spectrum uncertainty budgets. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 30 août 2017 [cité 1 sept. 2024];45(3):154-5. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/3068



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