Evaluating Acoustical Performance Of Existing Offices As Part Of A Well Feasibility Service


  • Ryan Bessey RWDI
  • Jessie Roy RWDI


While the WELL building standard is typically applied during the design of new offices, it can also be applied retroactively to existing offices. Before undertaking such an endeavour, some companies are interested in evaluating performance with respect the standard. This paper describes how a WELL feasibility assessment can be performed for the acoustically-focused WELL features. This allows companies to know where they stand with respect to the WELL building standard and what it might take to achieve the different levels of certification.

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Comment citer

Bessey R, Roy J. Evaluating Acoustical Performance Of Existing Offices As Part Of A Well Feasibility Service. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 21 févr. 2019 [cité 21 sept. 2024];46(4):8-11. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/3227



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