Numerical analysis of honeycomb structure with embedded membrane For tranmission loss improvement


  • Zacharie Laly
  • Christopher Mechefske
  • Sebastian Ghinet
  • Behnam Ashrafi
  • Charly T. Kone


Honeycomb structures find use in many applications because of their high stiffness to weight ratio and excellent mechanical
impact energy absorption. However, their acoustic performance is poor. Li et al [1] studied the transmission loss (TL) of lightweight multilayer honeycomb membrane-type acoustic metamaterials experimentally and observed that the sandwich panel acoustic metamaterials exhibit good TL. A lightweight and yet sound-proof honeycomb acoustic metamaterial is investigated by Sui et al. [2] and Lu et al. [3]. The metamaterial structure is made of a lightweight flexible rubber material layer sandwiched between two layers of honeycomb cell plates. They demontrated excellent TL with minimum weight penalty. Li et al. [4] presented a theoretical model to estimate the TL of acoustic micro-membranes, which demonstrate improved TL at low frequency. In this study, the transmission loss of a honeycomb structure with embedded membranes is investigated using the finite element method. It is shown that the transmission loss of the honeycomb structure is significantly improved by the embedded membrane while the TL of the honeycomb structure core alone is zero. The influence of the honeycomb structure cell size is illustrated as well as the effect on the membrane material properties. The investigated structure presents good TL especially at low frequencies.

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Comment citer

Laly Z, Mechefske C, Ghinet S, Ashrafi B, T. Kone C. Numerical analysis of honeycomb structure with embedded membrane For tranmission loss improvement. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 21 août 2023 [cité 2 oct. 2024];50(3):22-3. Disponible à:



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