Acoustical Investigations of Multipurpose Spaces at Community Facilities



Multipurpose spaces at community and recreational facilities are important spaces to allow for multitude of uses and to accommodate the wide age-range of users. This article discusses investigations conducted at nine municipally owned facilities including community centres, arenas, and a senior centre related to reportedly poor acoustic conditions in multipurpose spaces. The acoustical measurements of the as-found conditions, relevant criteria, and analysis are outlined. The contributing factors leading to the noise concerns for the spaces and considerations of acoustical treatment for interior acoustical control and background HVAC sound levels are also discussed.

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Comment citer

Chan M, Kundakcioglu M, Lorimer A. Acoustical Investigations of Multipurpose Spaces at Community Facilities. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 12 mai 2024 [cité 23 juill. 2024];52(1). Disponible à:

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