Online teaching of acoustics to candidates for admission in audiology and speech-language pathology at the University of Ottawa
Linguistics, Basic concepts, Clinical skills, Graduate program, Instrumental techniques, Online course, Online environments, Online teaching, Physical acoustics, Speech-language pathology, Teaching and learning, University of OttawaAbstract
This paper aims to share the experiences gained by migrating a preparatory course in acoustics for candidates applying to the graduate program in audiology or speech-language pathology at the University of Ottawa to an online environment. The course is offered in the summer for those who have no prior training in physical acoustics, acoustic phonetics or instrumental techniques in linguistics. Knowledge of the basic concepts in acoustics, signal analysis and electroacoustic systems is necessary for mastering several clinical skills for both audiologists and speech-language pathologists. Delivering the course online became necessary to allow more students to meet the admission prerequisite in acoustics given the wide geographical distribution of newly admitted students in audiology and speech-language pathology across the country. Since 2009, the course has been offered completely online using distance education tools (e.g. Blackboard™) and the development of acoustics teaching and learning materials in French targeting the area of audiology and speech-language pathology. While significant efforts were required to implement the online course over a five-year period, the project has proven to be a great success.Additional Files
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