Sound created form exploring the influence of sound on architectural form and the aural quality of spaces it can create
Design projects, Operations centers, Schematic designAbstract
A team of researchers undertook a thesis design project to explore the influence of sound on architectural form and the aural quality of spaces created by it. The researchers explored these parameters by designing a new 'Maison du Festival' that acted as the main welcome center, archive, museum, and operations center for the Montreal Jazz Festival in the future. The original schematic design of the building required two 'ampitheatred' sections of the plan that allowed for performances on the festivals two main stages to be projected on the building itself. This allowed the festival organizers to be able to better contain and control the sound being projected from the stages. The overall form of the building was mainly derived from taking various wave file recordings of the streets surrounding the proposed and converting those files into a three dimensional representation.Additional Files
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