Experimental characterization of acoustic materials in the presence of airflow at higher sound pressure excitations using a transfer matrix method


  • Laly Zacharie
  • Feng Xukun
  • Noureddine Atalla


An experimental methodology based on transfer matrix approach is proposed to evaluate the acoustic properties of materials at higher sound pressure excitations in airflow environment. This method is an extension of ASTM standard to include the airflow effects. Two experimental measurements with two different termination loads under flow are performed in order to derive the four-pole parameters of the tested material. Using wave decomposition, the components of the transfer matrix of the material are expressed as function of the pressures and velocities at both faces of the material. The proposed method shows good agreement with two-source method for different experimental measurements performed with airflow at high sound pressure levels up to 150 dB.

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Comment citer

Zacharie L, Xukun F, Atalla N. Experimental characterization of acoustic materials in the presence of airflow at higher sound pressure excitations using a transfer matrix method. Canadian Acoustics [Internet]. 11 août 2022 [cité 2 oct. 2024];50(3):18-9. Disponible à: https://jcaa.caa-aca.ca/index.php/jcaa/article/view/3862



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