On the Use of Condensation Models for Describing Highly Damped Multilayered Structures
The use of condensed models is an alternative approach to describe multilayered structures and evaluate vibroacoustic indicators with reduced computational cost. This approach is particularly interesting in the context of adaptive multilayered structures, where condensed models can be used to determine the effective properties in reduced time whenever a configuration update is required. This study aims to determine the effective properties of a sandwich structure with a shape memory polymer (SMP) core. The mechanical and damping properties of the SMP used in this study are frequency and temperature dependent, and the sandwich structure can exhibit excellent damping capacity by adjusting the temperature of the SMP core. The effective properties are determined based on the conservation of the bending, shear (transverse) and extension (quasi-longitudinal) wavenumbers for a homogeneous and isotropic thin plate. Two highly damped configurations are studied: in one, the structural damping loss factor is 0.89 on average; in the other, 0.56. The discrepancy in the frequency responses shows that this approach is insufficient to treat sandwich structures with SMP core at high damping configurations.Fichiers supplémentaires
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